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Surf and Food: Gastrologging, Chapter 1

Surf and Food: Gastrologging, Chapter 1

“Gastrologging” is an audiovisual project that encompasses two pleasure-evoking concepts: gastronomy and logging. They are concepts that at first glance appear to be poles apart, but which are inherently connected, especially when set in unique cultural environments.

We have carefully selected attractive places from which to film surfing and each clip is preceded by a culturally relevant gastronomic introduction. In this way, we aim to balance the importance of the surfing images with respect to the cultural character that each spot carries.

It is not just about showing the joy of surfing a longboard or alternative floating devices in beautiful locations, but also about experiencing and understanding these places further through their identity, history and gastronomy.

Therefore, this audiovisual project entitled “Gastrologging” is divided into 6 unique parts. Each section celebrates a gastronomic and cultural adventure from all corners of the Basque Country and Asturias. From places such as Bilbao, Donostia, the French-Basque coast, the Asturian coast to the incredible wave garden and secret spots hidden in the heart of Gipuzkoa.

In essence this is a pleasure-seeking project focussed on waves and food.

(Logging: the art of surfing a log)

[vimeo 45752756 w=500 h=281]

Gastrologging – “Arrantza Getaian” – Chapter I from Gastrologging on Vimeo.