Basque Country surf spot review: Getaria
Testing our rental fleet in Getaria, one of Basque Country surf spot:
Testing our rental fleet in Getaria, one of Basque Country surf spot:
This Basque Country surf spot is located further west from San Sebastian to a 30 min driving distance. It holds big swells but with smaller ones doesn’t work very well. Ideal for longboarding:
This video features Surf spot Zarautz beachbreak. This beachbreak provides high quality consistent waves all year long. We’ll be adding Basque Country’s popular surf spot videos monthly. More infos in:
Find below one of our hiking tours along the southern states of US:
The video below show our last Stand up paddle adventure in Greece:
James McOwen shared with us the following video featuring few rides with one of our rental Sup, thanks James!…:
If you want to experience amazing Stand up paddle San Sebastian moments like the ones below, contact us to check our equipment and guided tours: Hirec World – Underwater Greece from Ion Eizaguirre on Vimeo.
Find below one of our latest Stand up paddle adventure videos we made:
The video below shows few waves including our classic hire longboard CJ Nelson Arrow. For more infor about the board go to:
A few weeks ago we traveled to Greece on a Stand up paddle trip where we discover the south islands from the water. Without the need of wearing a wetsuits the overview of the landscapes from the water was stunning. Find more about our Stand up paddle range at: